Born and raised in Chicago, she once was a problem child who turned her energy around to more positive inspirations. Against all odds, she completed College at the University of Illinois, pursued a professional modeling career with Ford Modeling Agency, and now she is exploding in the Hip Hop Music Industry which we have come to know her as LIV.
So, I searched around #Google, and to my surprise, YLC is a movement. I admit, I loved her "Sorry Mrs. Carter" and also a Nicki Minaj diss song, but what absolutely pulled me in is that LIV is a natural. Yes, she has tutorials on YouTube about healthy natural hair, nails, and fitness.
I would have to agree, she is a inspiration and a positive force for women. From advice on loving the skin you're to avoiding butt enhancements, she is opposite of what women images are being portrayed in the media.
So enough. Pretty Rich Minds will keep their eyes on this prize and keep you all posted on the latest health and beauty tutorials and especially the music. Check her out on YouTube Yes Liv Can
We wanted to share a fitness Vlog
5 Minute Fitness
LIV's Beauty Vlog
Website Info:
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