When a bad day turns good...
I was on a complete high after completing my Momentum Monday 30 Day Challenge. The feeling of utopia is an under statement when one has completed tasks, goals, weathered the storm, and found her path up a twisting, winding road. In my creative mind of big dreams to come, this was the beginning for my small business outline to blossom into a full business plan.
Unseen plans were in my forecast, as I found myself playing a game of Four Square. My day started off complicated-I was upset and frustrated about many sorts of things. As the day progressed, so did my discomfort. I decided to meditate with the Arch Angel Micheal-as a shield for protection. When I awaken from this meditative state, I looked at my surroundings and realized--I was cornered.
Feelings of anxiety and nervousness came over me and it was at that time I knew the cause was due to me living a cornered life. "I've been hoarding situations from one corner of the room to the next". I said to myself, "Your life is cornered". I had these thoughts of how I've cornered myself. I realized that when I recently cleaned one corner of my room that represented failure, dislike, and the past to invite, new energy--I had taken the new which I produced during my 30 day challenge and cornered it in a new corner of my room. There it hit me. My new product shifted and cornered with fear of moving forward with producing it myself, not feeling worthy to do it right-just creating a lot of negative energy and self esteem around a really beautiful experience & product. I noticed that it slipped pass being delivered to get logo stamped during the 30 day challenge. Not because, "it was not on my to-do list", but because It was my EGO no allowing ME to LET GO!
So, I did it. I jumped up. Took to paper for a journal log, realizing that the 30 Day Challenge will continue for me as well. I promised myself today, I WILL DROP OFF MY PRODUCT FOR LOGO STAMPING! Goal Accomplished. I also have some new goals to keep myself from playing the game of Four Square. Ladies, if you did not make your 30 Day Challenge objectives, keep going. I've learned although you may have completed one chapter, an open book will always have blank pages.
Allow yourself to go through the process. Realize. Accept. Take Action.